Benefits of Volunteerism as a Military Spouse

As a military spouse, I have personally found volunteer work fulfilling for myriad reasons. 

One aspect of volunteering that I enjoy is the flexibility of my time commitment, which allows me to contribute to a good cause without a rigid schedule. 

Often, when I volunteer for different organizations, I can bring my little one along. By doing so, I not only contribute to my community but also build a new community of friends in an unfamiliar area. Additionally, I am setting an example of good citizenship and humanitarianism for my young child.

Furthermore, volunteering can serve as an informal (but possibly intentional) interview. When volunteering for an organization, there is a high likelihood that the individuals overseeing the operations of the area, event, or program are paid employees of the organization. Consequently, while volunteering, you are showcasing your talents to the organization’s staff. 

(Fun fact: I recently secured a job with an organization I had been volunteering with for over a year, and I could not be more excited!)

By engaging in volunteer work, military spouses can not only contribute to their communities but also enrich their own lives through personal growth and professional development. When considering volunteering, it’s best to determine which causes are important to you, what skills you’d like to develop, and how you want to connect with your community. 

Listed below are benefits to consider:

Benefit #1 - Building a Support Network:

Volunteering helps military spouses connect with others who understand the unique challenges of military life. Volunteerism fosters friendships and creates a sense of belonging in a new community.

Benefit #2 - Developing Skills and Gaining Experience:

Volunteering provides opportunities to develop new skills and enhance existing ones, which can be valuable for future employment. Volunteerism allows military spouses to gain experience in various fields, making them more versatile and adaptable in their careers.

Benefit #3 - Making a Positive Impact:

Volunteering enables military spouses to contribute to their communities, making a tangible difference in the lives of others. Volunteerism fosters a sense of purpose and fulfillment by helping those in need through relation and familiarity.

Benefit # 4 - Networking and Professional Growth:

Volunteering can lead to networking opportunities with other professionals, which can be beneficial for career development. Volunteerism opens doors to potential job opportunities and references within the community.

Benefit #5 Filling Gaps in Services:

By volunteering, military spouses can address specific issues and advocate for improvements within their communities.

Military communities often have unique needs, and volunteers can help fill gaps in services and support. Here, you also gain a hands-on perspective for providing feedback in annual military family surveys.

A survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau and AmeriCorps found that in 2021, despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, 23% of Americans aged 16 and over volunteered through organizations, contributing over 4.1 billion hours of service. 

This volunteer work, valued at approximately $122.9 billion, included activities such as supporting public health efforts, running errands, and providing virtual tutoring​ (

Such contributions are particularly vital in military communities, where volunteer-driven programs can address unmet needs in areas like healthcare access, education, childcare access, and community support.

Opportunities for Military Family Volunteer Service

Click here to learn about even more opportunities to volunteer.

As a military spouse, volunteering can be an invaluable way to acclimate to a new area and find personal satisfaction. Moving frequently due to military assignments can make it challenging to establish roots and feel a sense of belonging in a new community. Volunteering helps overcome this challenge in several meaningful ways. 

By participating in community events and initiatives, you gain insights into the local culture, resources, and opportunities. This knowledge can be crucial in making a new place feel like home. It also helps you discover local amenities, schools, parks, and other points of interest that you might not have found otherwise.

Finally, acknowledging the “why” of volunteering will help narrow down the most fulfilling opportunities for you. Let’s face it, committing to volunteer work is only fruitful when you find an area that inspires you and showcases your talents.

In summary, volunteering as a military spouse not only helps in building a new social network and integrating into the community but also provides personal satisfaction and can even lead to employment opportunities. It transforms the often-daunting experience of relocation into a rewarding journey of personal and professional growth. Consider finding an organization to volunteer with and help to be the change you want to see.

Learn more statistics about volunteering from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Monique Ekundayo is a Military spouse to a Naval Officer stationed at NS-Norfolk. And while she calls San Diego, California, home, she and her little guy are currently residing in the National Capital Region. In her free time, she likes to tour the area and visit a new museum and tourist attraction at every given opportunity. #GoNavy
