Wedding Wednesdays: Verenice + Tony Castillo
Verenice + Tony Castillo on their wedding day in March, 2000. (Photo courtesy Verenice Castillo)
Welcome to the very first installment of our brand-new Wedding Wednesdays blogs! To kick off the series, we are sharing how MSAN’s very own President & CEO, Verenice Castillo, became a new military spouse in March, 2000, in El Paso, Texas.
Though she is now an expert recognized for her contributions and leadership within the military community (she was even voted the Armed Forces Insurance Military Spouse of the Year in 2013), Verenice started out just like any of us–a newlywed who had to learn the ins and outs of what it means to be a military spouse.
How many years were you and your spouse dating before you got married?
A few months. Such a military tradition!
How did you meet?
[We met] at a night club and danced all night long. We have been together since that day.
What is your most cherished wedding memory?
Having all my friends and family together. Now that I look back, having those that would become my military family is now very special. I met some of Tony's coworkers and squadron's leadership and their spouses that day. I remember one of them telling me, "Welcome to the military family." To be honest, I had no idea they would become my family!
Did you feel prepared for military life when it eventually came?
Not at all–I had no idea what the military life was all about. [Those first years] were very difficult. I was out of place and very isolated.
It was hard because I was leaving my family, friends, and my job behind. I moved to a place where I was feeling out of place and isolated because I had no friends, no job, and felt like I was the only one having a hard time. It took me a while to get out there and meet other military spouses. I would have liked to have someone to talk to and mentor me.
How did you find support in those early years of being a military spouse?
I decided to volunteer at my husband’s squadron and become the mentor I wish I had.
Has your outlook on military lifestyle changes at all over the years?
Oh, yes. Once I gave this lifestyle a chance, I realize that it is more than just a lifestyle; it is a family!
What advice would you give to a new military spouse that you wish you had when you were married?
This lifestyle can be challenging and somewhat isolating. You are not alone! Rely on those around you and use the resources available to you. You shouldn’t go through it by yourself.
If you are new to military life and would like to be connected with a mentor, click here.
If you are interested in becoming a mentor or volunteering with MSAN, please click here.
Stephanie Allen is the Communications & Marketing Director for the Military Spouse Advocacy Network. She is a proud Navy wife and mom, a writer, blogger, success coach, and the Content Manager & columnist for Tidewater Family Plus magazine.